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Let me tell you a little bit about our book projects...


Sacred Spaces Subtle Shifts for Mind, Body, Home Transformation, Volume 1, published in December 2021, is an award-winning multiple category #1 Amazon best-selling book. We received the International Book for Peace Award in 2022!


Sacred Spaces Subtle Shifts for Mind, Body, Home Transformation, Volume 2,  published in November 2022 and is also a #1 Amazon best-selling book in multiple categories, and showcased in Barnes & Noble!


What will we create with Volume 3...


With this powerful collaboration of authors and Sacred Spaces Volume 3, we can do the same again … and more!  If we work together, collaborate, and cheer for each other, we can achieve personal and collective goals and gift readers our vulnerable and empowering stories.


Ready to get started? Watch this quick 30-second welcome video.

Meet your Author Coach

 Let's connect!


There's some important information below, but if you're ready to learn more, excited to dive in, or have questions you need answers to, click here to send me an email, or click below to set up a call to chat.

Click to Schedule a Call

Why Be Part of the Collaboration?


While there are many benefits to joining our community of best-selling authors, we know there are 3 fulfilling and powerful growth areas.

And we know how to have fun!


Check out the video below of our book signing in Delray Beach, Florida.


The Commitment


To ensure the best possible outcome for our book, I’m asking you to agree to a minimum level of promotion/marketing/sharing for our collective book project.

You can of course do more than is what is asked here, but these are the minimum asks for the project:

Our launch team is a piece of the puzzle that powers us to #1 Best Seller on Amazon. And their support and the collective energy fill our hearts!

The more people that buy, read, and review our book, the better it will "perform" on Amazon and the more #1
best-selling categories it will receive. Without readers, our stories sit on a shelf and are not available to others
who may find a connection in our words.

Sample graphics will be available for vou to use or make vour own.At least one post during launch week.

We can help you with ideas. Yes, each other's podcasts are fine!

This is best done after launch when the book is listed on Ingram, so we will let vou know when to contact your bookstores.

l am sure there is a partner or other business that would happily promote our book when vou promote something of theirs in return.

By completing your application and sending your investment, you agree to the above.

This “agreement” will not be “policed”, just trusting we will each honor the commitment, stay in integrity to ourselves and support each other in making this the best book it can be.

Ready for this awesomeness?

Be sure to join the Facebook group HERE. 

 Make Your $1550 Investment

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Here's what our authors say about being part our Sacred Spaces book projects... 


“Writing my chapter was such an incredibly therapeutic process for me. I was afraid to open up and share my truth, but by writing it all out and getting my thoughts onto the page, I began to feel more empowered, more courageous, and proud of who I am.”

“That I have a story that wants to be heard!”

“I learned that I had a story to share. I didn't know how to pick the defining moment of my life, and it was a process to get there, but once I got the idea, it flowed.”

“I learned I can do hard things, that I'm a good writer, and that I can achieve things I set my sights on. I also felt a wonderful sense of seeing my life journey more clearly and how I became the person I am today.”

“It got into my head for a while, but I knew I would publish it anyway. That sovereignty felt invigorating! To say 'Yes' to myself, over everyone else!”

“Writing has always been a catharsis for me. It’s an opportunity to reflect on all that has transpired, the lessons learned, and the growth afforded me. The path has revealed itself and it’s a beautiful journey in which I give thanks and gratitude.”